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About Us

There is a Place for You

Please join us at Christ's Table of Grace.  This congregation, with the whole ELCA, practices Eucharistic hospitality.  If you have been baptized with water in the name of the Holy Trinity, you are invited to participate.  The body and blood of Christ are in the bread and wine.  

We welcome all of God's Children, whatever their age, the color of their shin, the contents of their wallet, no matter whom they love, how they speak, and whatever their abilities or disabilities; for in Christ Jesus, we all are reconciled to God.

Place for You
Our Staff:
Congregation Council 2024
Pastor Fogle, Vice-President
Jane Alder
Dennis Bramjick, President
Tina Reid

Greg Tapper
Mike Bierbaum

Steve Prinz
Chris Wommer

Jane Alder

Licensed Lay Minister


George Evalt

Licensed Lay Minister

We Believe

We Believe

The Triune God -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Bible as the inspired Word of God.

Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

The responsibility of Christians to live in a relationship of love with all people.

The Church as the Communion of Saints and the fellowship of believers, the family of God.

Licensed Lay Ministers

Rev. James L. Fogle



Jodi Reed

Church Secretary

Donna Stempien.jpg.jpg

Donna Stempien

Music Director

Contact Donna via the church office or her church mailbox.


Brian Goodykoontz


Contact Brian through the church office or his church mailbox.


Laurel Fick

Financial Secretary

Contact Laurel through the church office or her church mailbox.

Coming Soon Neon Light

Mary Valenti



Celebration! is the consolidation of three congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (Christ the King, Livonia;  Prince of Peace, Westland; and St. John's, Redford).  Celebration! was formed on August 1, 2013 for the purpose of future mission and ministry after almost seven years of discussions, worshiping together, socializing together and doing outreach into the community. 


After looking at almost 100 different physical sites over a four-year period, and keeping in mind the needs of the communities in which we wish to serve, the congregation voted on August 28, 2016 to purchase the former home of Divine Savior (R.C.) Parish as its permanent home.

We are the only established ELCA congregation from here west until the Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti, Michigan area (approx. 22 miles) and Brighton, Michigan (approx. 33 miles), with no other ELCA congregations in Westland, Canton, and Plymouth


This is Us

Member Directory
Policy Docs
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